Isn't that a beautiful promise from God's Word? A nice reminder as we begin a new year.
Don't you wonder what God's plans are for you this year? Do you have a sense of excitement about what He is going to do in your life, the lessons He has, the journey He will take you on?
Aren't you glad we can have a hope and a future with Him? I am.
It's a quiet evening for us. Hubby was working on his computer and now snoozing in his chair! I've been catching up on some blog reading. Earlier I made some hand stamped thank you notes, or I should say, I have started some. I must go finish them soon and pick up my mess. I'm not so sure I will be able to stay up to see the New Year in as I usually do. I must be getting old, but it's just over an hour away now.
I have not made any resolutions. The ones I've made in the past, I usually fail at, so why set myself up for failure??! Of course there are things I hope to accomplish.
I love to read inspirational fiction. Not "fluff" books, but those that have a message, a challenge, an encouraging word. For the past few years I have been telling myself that I should read more non-fiction. I am thinking that for every fiction book I read, I need to read a non-fiction one. I certainly have plenty sitting in my bookcases. Why buy them if I am not going to read them? Osmosis hasn't happened yet, and I don't expect it will!
I have many, many handcraft projects started.... it would be nice to finish some of them.
Of course, I have spiritual goals as well. I would like to be a better pray-er. I would like to read the Bible through in 1 year - not the 4 that it has taken me (and I still am not done). I like reading it in chronological order and will plan to do that again. This plan looks a bit different than my Chronological Bible and I can use a regular Bible for it. I hope to get myself onto a schedule now that I am teaching so I can set time aside to lead a ladies Bible study again. We need that time together.
I'm sure there are other things I will think of later. Most of all, I was Jesus to be seen through me. I want to be a shining light for Him. I want the children I teach, and the teachers I am in contact with, and others to know there is something different in my life.
How about you? Do you have special goals or resolutions for 2008? May God bless you and may He be glorified through us. ~