The other day I was scanning through a book and some thoughts came to mind about friendship. Have you ever had a friendship just up and end? That happened to me about 8 years ago. I didn't understand then and there are many times since then, that I have lamented over it and still been hurt at the rejection. God's still, small voice spoke to me once again, as it has in the past, "There was a reason, my child. You were too dependent on your friend. You were in a relationship that focused on the negatives. You weren't growing. I had to remove her from your life so you would return to Me." Well, of course I didn't hear those words audibly, but the message was clear.
My lesson not learned, I soon found myself lamenting over another issue, another "loss" in my life, and the years I spent yearning after something I didn't have (more than one child), I said to myself, "I always believed God would give me another child and He didn't." Almost immediately, I "heard" that chiding voice again, "Yes, I did." Then he brought to mind a lovely young woman whom He had brought into my life years ago when she was a teen, and has kept in my life. I'm her "Mumdie". She has given me a glimpse of what it would have been like to have a daughter.
Since then, I have gained a daughter-in-law, and there are the children who have passed my way through Sunday school and through substitute teaching - children whom I can reach out to with an encouraging word or a listening ear. Although they aren't my own, I can reach out with Jesus' love.
We may not understand God's ways, but I know His ways are right. Psalms 145:17
You know of one such broken friendship in my life, Jamie, but there have been others. It is good when we can hear God's voice, giving us a reason for these things, but when we don't, we must choose, as you said, simply to trust that He is good. A good reminder.
These are so hard, I even feel that way with loss of family and personal health. Great post Jamie, thank you.
Yes, Deby, any loss is so difficult. We want to ask "Why?" I keep returning to Deut. 29:29 where God says that the secret things belong to Him. I take this as meaning those things we cannot see the reason why for, as well as other unrevealed things. Trust. Such a little word, but so hard to do at times.
Ginny, I know that you too know what loss of friendship means, and It makes me sad that this has happened to you more than once. It makes trusting others difficult. We want to guard our hearts, even when God is telling us to reach out....
Oh my gosh, we have even more in common than I thought!
When the Lord moved us out to an isolated high desert community 5 hours away from friends and family, I often lamented...."I don't have any friends here" It was a LONG 14 years.....but what I finally realized, is that HE had to move me away so that I would become more dependent on HIM....not my friends, not my family.....but HIM! I learned that my life wouldn't END if I was 'alone' so to speak.
And, I also learned that some of those relationships were having negative impact on my life. Of course, at the time, I didn't know that.
Also, when I married David, I had two sons....I wanted another child so bad. It never happened. I couldn't understand it....but I came to realize later why.....that child would have been treated differently by David's parents....they didn't accept 'my' boys.
AND years later, God also brought into my life a wonderful cyber daughter. We met via a stamping list and have since become like Mom and daughter. She even calls me M.O.M. (My other Mom).
So, the Lord often times doesn't give us what we want....but what we NEED to help us grow!
Thanks for sharing and sorry I was so long winded...but I couldn't believe someone had the same wishes I did.
I enjoyed your post.
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