Something must happen around the age of 50. First of all, I find it hard to believe that I am in my 50's. When did that happen? There have been various instances in the past couple years that have made me think about the things I hope to accomplish, the books I want to read, the places I want to go, etc. Today as I was looking at Deby's Apples of Gold blog, I found a link to Chatty Housewife's blog which led me to another link!
I was quite inspired by some of the ideas. 101 things to do in 1001 days, Identify 100 things that make you happy, Reduce your worldly possessions to 100 items - whoa, that's scary. I don't know how I'd do if I tried that. I have too many sentimental items.
I am looking forward to having some time for myself again soon. I finish one long term substituting stint in 2 days. The next one begins in late April. I will have some time to reflect on these lists and see what I can come up with.
Have you ever read the book, Jacob's List? I found it inspirational, along with the songs, "Live Like You were Dying" and "When the Sand Runs Out", both of which are on the cd "Three Wooden Crosses." All of these have made me think of making a list of what I want to do.
I was quite inspired by some of the ideas. 101 things to do in 1001 days, Identify 100 things that make you happy, Reduce your worldly possessions to 100 items - whoa, that's scary. I don't know how I'd do if I tried that. I have too many sentimental items.
I am looking forward to having some time for myself again soon. I finish one long term substituting stint in 2 days. The next one begins in late April. I will have some time to reflect on these lists and see what I can come up with.
Have you ever read the book, Jacob's List? I found it inspirational, along with the songs, "Live Like You were Dying" and "When the Sand Runs Out", both of which are on the cd "Three Wooden Crosses." All of these have made me think of making a list of what I want to do.
How about you? Have you ever made a list of things you want to accomplish? Tell me about it.
Interestingly, whenever I have tried to make those kinds of lists/set long-term goals, God seems to have other plans! I had thought, for instance, when I finished homeschooling, I'd do a lot of sewing, and more crafting in general. But God's plan is that I care for my husband. My conclusion? Lists of things you want to do are great, but for the Christian, always need to be compiled with the knowledge that God may have other things in mind for you. Proverbs 3: 5 - 6
Right now I am working on my ROCKS....I have done 3 and put them out to be found by whomever the Lord chooses...my list would include getting some sleep and maybe having a pain free day....can that be on it...
Now seriously I really would like to really get serious about soul winning and studying the subject of prayer...
I think my list would include realistic, attainable things, like finish some of the unfinished projects I have lying around, read the Bible through in a year, read one non-fiction book for every fiction book I read, etc., and it would also include some "dreams" I have like going to Scotland, or to a children's orphange in Africa or Haiti. If the Lord allows them to be done, then wonderful! If not, I'll know He had better plans for me. Part of my problem is time management.... I need to be more productive as well as open to His leading.
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