How many times have I walked in the stubbornness of my heart thinking I will be OK. But the rest tells me that my own actions do not affect just me, they affect others as well. That made me stop and ponder this section.
Verse 29 made so much more sense to me now. I don’t know if I ever really understood it before…. “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”
Granted, we are not “under” the Law, but we are to obey Christ’s commands. We are to teach them to our children, to share them with others. We may not understand why certain things happen in our lives - those are secret, only God knows - but He has revealed to us many other things. Are we using them? Teaching them? Sharing them? Living them?
This was my “aha” moment a few days ago.

great post Jamie, I am reading in Deut. right it...
WOW. That was so well said. Really, WOW. Have you ever had something hit you right between the eyes? Well, that did.
Thank you for letting the Lord use you today!
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