The other day I was scanning through a book and some thoughts came to mind about friendship. Have you ever had a friendship just up and end? That happened to me about 8 years ago. I didn't understand then and there are many times since then, that I have lamented over it and still been hurt at the rejection. God's still, small voice spoke to me once again, as it has in the past, "There was a reason, my child. You were too dependent on your friend. You were in a relationship that focused on the negatives. You weren't growing. I had to remove her from your life so you would return to Me." Well, of course I didn't hear those words audibly, but the message was clear.
My lesson not learned, I soon found myself lamenting over another issue, another "loss" in my life, and the years I spent yearning after something I didn't have (more than one child), I said to myself, "I always believed God would give me another child and He didn't." Almost immediately, I "heard" that chiding voice again, "Yes, I did." Then he brought to mind a lovely young woman whom He had brought into my life years ago when she was a teen, and has kept in my life. I'm her "Mumdie". She has given me a glimpse of what it would have been like to have a daughter.
Since then, I have gained a daughter-in-law, and there are the children who have passed my way through Sunday school and through substitute teaching - children whom I can reach out to with an encouraging word or a listening ear. Although they aren't my own, I can reach out with Jesus' love.
We may not understand God's ways, but I know His ways are right. Psalms 145:17