As I visited some blogs this evening, I came upon a reoccurring theme - accepting myself as I am, as I age. I have to admit I have sometimes stood looking into my mirror arguing with God that I just can't be 50+; it CAN'T be; NO, it can't BE! Regardless, it is the truth. Do I feel it? Do I act it? It most likely depends upon the day, but in my mind's eye, I am not 50+!
I visited Nancy and read her post "the gift", then went to see Michelle who has some thoughts on aging at the top of her blog, and then visited Sharon who has a beautiful video/song and reflective thoughts at her site, "The Real Me." I think I am afraid to visit more blogs! LOL! Interesting, I never would have given this topic any thought today until I read what I did today.
Yes,, I did go to check another favorite site - Sunshine on my Shoulders, and there, Diana is giving the opportunity to share what God is doing in my life - "Him in My Life" Mondays. So, here I am. I don't know for sure what God wants of me, but I know I need to be open to His leading and teaching. I know that I need to accept who I am right now as a 50-something! I also know that I have some work to do in the area of accepting myself as He does. I am such an approval seeker when it comes to other people, but the only one I need to truly seek approval from is my LORD. If I do that, I know all else will fall in place.
I'm thankful to the ones He put in my path today.

i'm so glad you visited my blog today and that you participated in more of HIM.
i think what you've written is something a lot of women can relate to. it's no fun getting older and we want to put on the brakes, if not go back in time. but God gives us each and every day. the older we get, the more days we have been blessed by Him.
my prayer is that God give you comfort right where you are and that he fills your remaining years with purpose. thanks again for sharing.
Isn't it amazing who and what God uses to help us?
I know this may sound a little crazy but I'm 45 and totally looking forward to being 50! I look at the women in my life who are 50+ and while they are not perfect they have weathered storms and have become women of grace and mercy, women of compassion. They tell me that being in their fifties are their favorite decade so far. So I'm praying that a miracle will take place and over the next five years I will be as beautiul in spirit and they are.
And dear one...from what I've read in your post I think that you too are one of those beautiful women of 50+... embrace it!
Amen..Jamie..AMen...I have been so thankful for blogging...for someone like me who is home most of the time..this has been a blessing the way the LORD has used others their help me...I am God's goodness
Hi, Thanks for leaving me a comment! You have a very pretty blog! The colors go nicely together!
God bless!
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