Two Sunday's ago my pastor told us he wanted us to make a resolution to stop going "to church"! Imagine the surprise we felt at hearing that. He then went on to explain while asking the question, "What is the church?" It is apparent that we are the church - not a building. So, rather than go "to church" he'd like us to "go to worship." I've been pondering on that.
Last Sunday, he continued on the theme of worship ... what constitutes worship? Some people may find a very traditional church service the best way to worship, and others may find more contemporary services help them worship. What about the various aspects of the service? More things to ponder as he taught us....
Everything that we do should be a form of worship: our singing, our praying, our giving, our listening, our learning, our reaching out to others, etc. None of these can be worship though if our hearts aren't right. So, we can't say we've been to "worship' just because we took part in the service. So now come my musings .....
We have to look inside. What will we find? A stubborn spirit or a teachable one? A willing heart or a complaining spirit? A heart that is open to changes that will bring glory to God, or a spirit that is holding fast to "the way things have always been done" even if it's apparent that those "traditions" aren't necessarily right? A heart that is content to stay the same or one that yearns to learn and grow?
I pray that I will have a teachable heart, a willing spirit that seeks to glorify God, and a heart that yearns to learn and grow. How about you? Are you going to church or to worship?
Is your heart going with you?
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
Last Sunday, he continued on the theme of worship ... what constitutes worship? Some people may find a very traditional church service the best way to worship, and others may find more contemporary services help them worship. What about the various aspects of the service? More things to ponder as he taught us....
Everything that we do should be a form of worship: our singing, our praying, our giving, our listening, our learning, our reaching out to others, etc. None of these can be worship though if our hearts aren't right. So, we can't say we've been to "worship' just because we took part in the service. So now come my musings .....
We have to look inside. What will we find? A stubborn spirit or a teachable one? A willing heart or a complaining spirit? A heart that is open to changes that will bring glory to God, or a spirit that is holding fast to "the way things have always been done" even if it's apparent that those "traditions" aren't necessarily right? A heart that is content to stay the same or one that yearns to learn and grow?
I pray that I will have a teachable heart, a willing spirit that seeks to glorify God, and a heart that yearns to learn and grow. How about you? Are you going to church or to worship?
Is your heart going with you?
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
great post. my son has a t-shirt that has the simple statement on the front that reads, "don't go to church." then on the backside it says, "BE the church." i firmly believe in this way of thinking.
I had a similiar conversation today about "doing" ministry. Everything I do should be ministry, whether it's in the church building or outside. Why do we separate "doing" ministry from going to work, clean our home, raising our children?
I should have an attitude of ministry 24/7.....I should live a life of ministry.
Thanks for the post...sorry I'm long winded tonight....
amen Jamie...and times when I cannot be in the church BUILDING...is not my ministry, my home, my BLOG...anything the Lord puts in my path that day...
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