Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Election Day

Choose this day whom YOU will serve - as for me, I will serve the LORD. (paraphrased from Joshua 24:15) Today is our chance to stand on the Word of God and what is right in His eyes. Remember - we are to strive to be holy (separated from the sin of the world) because God is Holy. (1 Peter 1:15, 16 & 2 Corinthians 7:1) 


Today we have to vote on whether homosexual marriage should be legal.  It has been quite a battle for our state.  Earlier this year, our legislature voted that it should be legal.  Some voters took offense and brought it to the point of putting it on the ballot.

Today, I voted for God and His unchanging Word.  I pray there are more who beleive marriage is for man and woman than those who think it's OK because "after all, God is love."  They ignore that He is also a God of righteousness. A holy God.  God who will judge.

May He be glorified today.


... said...

what was the outcome? i don't think this issue is going to ever go away - no matter what the numbers turn out to be. it always seems to be on the next ballot, too.

J-ME said...

Diana, it was 53% - 47% in favor of keeping marriage to be defined as between 1 man % one woman. Yea! But, the fight isn't over. The other side is blaming fear ads (which were actually true) and blaming Obama because he didn't campaign for this cause in Maine! We will face the issue again...

... said...

interesting. like i said, it never seems to end. the issue is brought to the ballot almost every election, it's voted on, wins one way or another, and then contested by the opposite group and put on the next ballot. i don't know what would settle this issue once and for all.

thanks for the info.