I find that lately I have not been blogging becasue most of my computer time has been spent on Face Book - little notes here and there - nothing substantial.... plus, I have been dealing with the dreaded "D". Depression. I don't get it. How can one go from being happy and feeling great for weeks and then suddenly wake up one day and all is changed??? I was flying high from my trip to Guatemala and then - BAM! I was in a such a low. No outward reason that I know of.... then began a month of headaches and an incident of loss of balance, double vision, loss of short term memory and many tests, which have shown nothing!
I hate not having the joy I was feeling - oh, I still have joy in my salvation and the peace of God, but something is missing. It's a struggle to get up in the morning or to do anything productive. I do have to work part time, but I don't even have the joy in that which I did. All I want to do is sleep or play mindless computer games. What a waste....
I'm not looking for sympathy or anything.... I just wanted to "vent" and explain my absence.

Myspace Graphics, God Graphics at WishAFriend.com
vent away.
so sorry to hear about your ailments and lack of joy. that must be hard to deal with. i pray that you find out what's causing this or that the pattern break some how on it's own.
take care of yourself. hey, i'm on FB if you're looking for another friend. (diana varey in denver)
Thanks Diana!
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