I never expected to have the opportunity before me, at least not right now. I am returning to Haiti in 3 weeks. I have been there twice before, flying into Port au Prince and then flying to Pignon. This time I will be going to northeast Haiti with His Hands for Haiti.
When I was first asked the end of December, I thought I wouldn't be able to go, but I made a list of all the reasons why I didn't think I could, and by this past Monday night, the Lord had cleared the way.... all except finances. I was not even listing that as a reason why because I have seen God provide in the past and I have no doubt that He will do it again.
The difference is that I need it in 2 weeks!
When I went before, one things really struck me. The hope that the Haitian Christians have. Their land is so poor. Their homes are sometimes only shacks They may not have enough food to eat or many clothes to wear. But, they have hope. Hope in Jesus and eternal life.
The picture above is a scrapbook page I made, with a photo of beautiful pink blossoms on a tree (hard to see since it is a photo of a photo) between 2 very poor homes. It spoke hope to me, and it was a lesson I brought home with me.
What is your hope in? Who is your hope in? My hope is in the Lord.
1 comment:
What a wonderful opportunity for you. I know God has fully equiped you even if you don't realize it yet. I pray you will be an instrument there of His hope, mercy and love. I wanted you to know I was blessed by your comment over at quiet reflections. I wish I could just reach out and give you a great big hug right now, because I KNOW where you are and what you're going through. I will pray and I'm here if you want someone to listen -anytime! ~Blessings!
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