Tuesday, July 29, 2008

God's Gifts

I never fail to be amazed at God's creation. My backyard is my sanctuary. I love to see the flowers, watch the backyard visitors, hear the birds,and watch the raspberries ripen. They are all gifts. Unfortunately we have been invaded by a pest that I am growing tired of - Japanese Beetles! It seems I spend much time picking them off the raspberry leaves and from the leaves of a tree in front of our house. The blessing from these pests came the other morning as I saw a dragonfly on a raspberry branch. It was sitting there with it's wings spread. I didn't expect it to still be there after I ran to get the camera, but it was! A gift! I thought I would share it with you. Gifts are best when shared, aren't they?

It's it beautiful? I've never seen one that stayed in one place for so long. So, in spite of the trials (bugs eating my leaves), there was a blessing. I had to take the time to be still, to slow down, and see the gift. I hope you enjoy the photos. God's blessings to you~


Lori Stilger said...

WOW, Jamie!! INCREDIBLE shots!!!! I don't think I've ever seen one around here that sat STILL long enough to even grab a camera, let alone take three shots!!! :) Congratulations! :D

sharon brobst said...

J A M I EEEEE!!! Hope you are just busy. Miss you!