Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another Year, Another Guatemala Trip

I've recently returned from a missions trip to Guatemala. One week in August and it was way too short! What a joy it is to see the families we met in 2009 and get to know them better.  We were able to visit various homes in the communities we work in during the afternoon.  We witnessed two decisions made for Christ and prayed for special needs the families have. Building these relationships is just as important as updating the information on the children who are part of the sponsorship program, and gives the trip more meaning.  

The opportunity to get to know the children and their families is one reason I love going to Guatemala. I am thankful for the time spent playing with the children, praying with their parents, watching their families grow, and seeing the children succeed in school when they had no opportunity for an education before the school and sponsorship program were started.

 Doing a devotional with some of the moms.

 Crafts with the children

 One of the families we visited

 singing "This Little Light of Mine"

 Diego & Linda working on a craft.  They both need a sponsor.

 Beautiful Astrid also needs a sponsor. She is cared for mostly by her elderly grandmother.

 Linda & Doris 

Jony - who can resist this face!! He is a real cutie.

Check out more photos at