Sunday, January 24, 2010

Haiti - a helping hand

It all over the news. It's in our hearts. How can we possible help the victims? 

I want to be there so much.... I wish I had medical training in times like these. But I don't.

I will return to Haiti in March with His Hands for Haiti to help them update the children in their sponsorship program.

Thankfully, these children and their families were not hurt in the earthquake since they live in the Northeast of Haiti, but they will suffer from the after effects - lack of supplies, food, etc. and they will most likely see refugees moving to their areas who need care, housing, food, and jobs just like the others.
What can we do? 
Pray.  Give if you can.
Visit these sites - Donations and child sponsorship  - Text SP to 85944 to make a $10 gift.

Each of these organizations share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they meet other needs.

I have been amazed at the singing, raised hands, and praises to God in the midst of tremendous suffering. It's a lesson for us.  They don't just need us; we need them.  We need to learn from their resilience, their hope for salvation, their survival in spite of such great tragedy.   Many in Haiti still need to hear the Good News.  Let's not leave them in despair.